Upcoming events, classes and more

Clase virtual: Alimentos para un corazón saludable
Esta clase te proporcionará conocimientos y habilidades prácticas para tomar medidas que favorezcan la salud del corazón a través de sencillos cambios en la alimentación y el estilo de vida.
Esta sesión es informativa e incluye una demostración culinaria de 3 recetas para que prepares en casa.
Para registrarte y leer sobre todos los detalles de la clase haz click aquí

Virtual class: Food for a healthy heart
This class will arm you with the knowledge and practical skills to take action to bolster heart health through simple diet and lifestyle changes.
This session is informative and includes a culinary demonstration of 3 recipes for you to prepare at home.
To register and read all the details about the class, click here.

Valentines Class: Cake Decorating Workshop for Couples!
🍰💕 Heartfelt Cake Decorating Workshop for Couples 💕🍰
Looking for a unique and romantic date? 💖 Join us for a fun and interactive Cake Decorating Workshop for Couples!
In this special hands-on experience, you and your partner will decorate your own heart-shaped cake together, using a variety of delicious toppings, creamy frostings, and creative decorations. No baking skills required—just bring your love and creativity! 💕✨
To learn more and RSVP, click here!

Virtual class: Keys for natural appetite control
Kickstart your health this 2025!
This class is perfect if you're looking to explore or learn about sustainable eating that promotes long-term health.
This is our fifth and final class in the Kickstart Your Health 5-class series. This session marks three weeks since we began the program, but it’s never too late to join and learn how to integrate this knowledge into your life.
In this class, we’ll do a brief recap and share new strategies and tips to help you continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle through nutrition.
Our goal is that by the end, you’ll have the basic tools to integrate a healthy, plant-based lifestyle with a clear plan and plenty of motivation.
This is a two-hour class featuring a video presentation on nutritional information explained by health professionals, followed by a demonstration of three recipes:
Refreshing mint smoothie curried
Tomato lentil stew
Basmati rice

Virtual class: Breaking the food seduction
Kickstart your health this 2025!
This class is perfect if you're looking to explore or learn about sustainable eating that promotes long-term health.
This is our fourth class in the Kickstart Your Health series. In this session, we’ll explore why foods like cheese or cookies—rather than broccoli—seem addictive, and what we can do to overcome those cravings.
Our goal is that by the end, you’ll have the basic tools to integrate a healthy, plant-based lifestyle with a clear plan and plenty of motivation.
This is a two-hour class featuring a video presentation on nutritional information explained by health professionals, followed by a demonstration of three recipes:
Fruited breakfast quinoa
Red curry chickpea and sweet potato soup
Ginger noodles

Virtual class: Getting in Gear
Kickstart your health this 2025!
This class is perfect if you're looking to explore or learn about sustainable eating that promotes long-term health.
This is our third class in the Kickstart Your Health series, where we’ll learn strategies for eating outside the home. The reality is that we don’t always cook at home, so it’s “better to be safe than sorry.”
In this session, we’ll share tips, ideas, and alternatives for making healthier choices when eating somewhere other than your own kitchen.
Our goal is that by the end, you’ll have the basic tools to integrate a healthy, plant-based lifestyle with a clear plan and plenty of motivation.
This is a two-hour class featuring a video presentation on nutritional information explained by health professionals, followed by a demonstration of three recipes:
Breakfast tofu scrambled
Mexican kale and blue corn salad
Orzo with veggies

Veganuary Potluck Party
Whether you're a seasoned vegan or simply curious about plant-based living, everyone is welcome to celebrate good food and great company!
Join us in this vibrant Veganuary Potluck event! Connect with a welcoming community while enjoying delicious plant-based dishes. Bring your favorite vegan recipe to share, explore diverse flavors, and celebrate sustainable, cruelty-free living. Perfect for vegans, vegetarians, and anyone curious about plant-based eating. Join us for great food, meaningful conversations, and a friendly atmosphere!
We will be sending you some recipe ideas before the potluck!
>>> RSPV HERE <<<
See you there!

Virtual class: Let’s Go!
Kickstart your health this 2025!
This class is perfect if you're looking to explore or learn about sustainable eating that promotes long-term health.
In this second class of the series, you will learn step-by-step how to begin a low-fat, plant-based diet for three weeks—as a starting point.
You’ll discover easy, delicious, and nutrient-packed plant-based options. We’ll talk about substitutes for meat and dairy, how to read labels and nutritional information on packaging, and how to make better decisions when shopping. Our goal is that by the end, you’ll have the basic tools to integrate a healthy, plant-based lifestyle with a clear plan and plenty of motivation.
This is a two-hour class featuring a video presentation on nutritional information explained by health professionals, followed by a demonstration of three recipes:
Green apple and cinnamon oatmeal
Chickpea salad with orange miso dressing
Portobello fajitas

Veganuary Movie Nite
Movie Nite in BK, NY
Save the date for an inspiring movie night! Join us to watch the film of the month and engage in meaningful conversations that connect and inspire. Doors opens at 7:00 PM., and we will start the screening at 7:30 PM. Snacks will be provided by La Bakeria and Alegria Vegana.
>>> RSVP HERE <<<
About the movie: Forks over Knives explores how a plant-based whole-food diet can have profound positive impacts on the many degenerative diseases that so many of us experience.
This is a free event but we appreciate if you decided to donate to the only two sanctuaries in Romania, who are in desperate need: Spirit Animal Center and Nima Sanctuary

Virtual class: The power of your plate
Join the First Class of 2025 – Completely FREE!
This class is perfect if you're looking to explore or learn about sustainable eating that promotes long-term health.
You'll learn about the science behind food, accompanied by a culinary demonstration where you'll see how to prepare delicious and healthy dishes.
Whether you have a medical condition, are curious, eager to learn something new, or simply want to support your loved ones, this class is for you. By the end of the session, you'll have access to resources to help you take care of your health right from your kitchen.
This is a two-hour class featuring a video presentation on nutritional information explained by health professionals, followed by a demonstration of three recipes:
Green Monster Smoothie
Braised Kale
Quick Black Bean Chili

Home Swap Stories: Sustainable Living Panel
We're taking over a Passive House condo building – exhibiting the importance of SUSTAINABLE LIVING! Join us for a multi-unit event showcasing how eco-friendly choices can make a significant impact on our planet and our health. Every door is open for you to explore our sustainable living panel, household item swap, climate cafe, passive house exhibition, homemade showcase, and more.
I will be part of the Sustainable Living Panel with other New Yorkers who have some creative sustainable living practices! Get inspired by the way we find secondhand furniture, create own food sources, and save energy.
More details and tickets here

Cultura y alimentacion
¿Por qué comemos lo que comemos? ¿Qué influye en nuestras decisiones alimentarias? ¿Cómo podemos tomar control sobre nuestra salud? ¿Es posible prevenir enfermedades crónicas a largo plazo con una dieta basada en plantas?
Desde una perspectiva psicológica, sociológica y médica, existen respuestas a estas preguntas. En esta charla, la psicóloga y cocinera basada en plantas, Vanessa Sossa Sánchez, compartirá información clave sobre estos temas y más. Antes de encontrar respuestas, es importante que nos cuestionemos: ¿cómo nuestras creencias y el entorno social influyen en nuestra forma de alimentarnos?
El conocimiento sobre cómo hemos aprendido a percibir el mundo y nuestra alimentación se basa en sistemas de creencias que nuestra sociedad ha establecido. Empoderarnos con esta información nos permitirá dar pasos activos para mejorar nuestra salud y bienestar.
En esta charla hablaré sobre:
● Cómo la alimentación influye en nuestra salud física y mental.
● Deficinición de carnismo, un término introducido por la psicóloga, autora y educadora Melanie Joy
● Definición de una dieta basada en plantas y alimentos integrales, y cómo está puede prevenir, tratar y curar enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes, colesterol alto, hipertensión, entre otras. Bajo el soporte científico del Comité de médicos para una medicina repsonsable
● Herramientas valiosas para tomar control sobre nuestra salud.
● Recursos disponibles para la comunidad hispano hablante en la ciudad de Nueva York y en todo el mundo.
Acompáñame en esta charla el miércoles 16 de octubre de 2024, a las 7:00 P.M. en MayDay Space. Reserva tu lugar en este link y no dudes en invitar a un amigue para que aprendamos juntes.
Este mismo día ocurre el #díamundialdelaalimentación #worldfoodday donde Food and Agriculture Organizartion of the UNited Nations (@fao) celebra el principio universal para la vida y el más fundamental derecho de los seres humanos -y tengo que decir que también el de los animales no humanos.